Item checklist:
1. Depending on your lighting 6 - 8 small pots.

2. Lighting of coarse (I used CFL).
3. A spot to put your plants at that you can make it have 100% no light at any time (I used my closet).
4. Soil (I forgot what I used but make sure it has perlite)
5. Seeds and thats it.
The SOG Technique can get you the most weed in the shortest time, but if it's illegal where you are you'll get into to some huge SH*T if caught using this technique.
What you want to do is get your grow room set up with your pots about an inch spaced from each other and just grow. It's that simple XD. The results and also a way to image how to set up your room is in this picture:

In you grow, you can use chicken wire like in this picture but you don't have to...
Go to this article to see what the chicken wire is for here
K33p T0k1N