Friday, August 15, 2008

Lesson #2: Indoors or All Natural?

There's one question you must answer before growing and that is, WHERE?

Indoor or outdoor?

Outdoor and indoor have there own good things and bad things.

1. Climate Control: Your able to control your temperature, humidity, watering, ect...
2. Pest Control: Just guessing but I'm sure there's less bugs in your house then outside.
3. Lighting Control: Turn on and off the light's when needed and wanted.
4. Time: You can grow any time you want indoors.
5. Hiding: If you live in such a place that would have the need of hiding your plants such as apartments, or if it's illegal where you are and you think the cops might show up for any reason.
It's fairly easy for some or most people to hide a MaryJane plant.
More to come...

1. Space: It could be for some people but not always.
2. Height: Most people would probably have a problem with this.
It's fairly hard for some or most people to hide a monster MaryJane plant.
3. Cost: It can be very costly growing you plant mostly do to your lighting, but not alway.
More to come...

1. Lighting: The sun gives you the best lighting you can get and it's free!
2. Space: Usually you have more space for growing bushier and more plants in your backyard or special spot ;)
3. Height: You'll probably be able to grow taller plants where you pick to grow your plant outside.
4. Cost: It's usually lest costly when growing outdoors.
More to come...

1. Time: You can only grow your weed when the seasons right for your weed.
2. Bugs: Just a guess but I'd bet there's lots of bugs to wait and eat your special plant outside.
3. Natural disasters: Over watering do to lots of rain and other things that you can think of.
4. Other plants: Weeds, trees, bushes or anything else by your plant can mess up it's root system and take it's water.
5. Hiding: It's fairly hard to hide your plants out side. If it's illegal to grow where your at cops have a better chance of finding it and even if it's legal your neighbors may find your stash and help their selves out with a good plant or two.
More to come...

Well now that you see some of the good and bad thing of growing in and outdoors you pick and start reading the next lesson and always

K33p T0k1N

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