Monday, September 15, 2008

You bastards

Well I guess since you bastards aren't postin' anything on here I'll just write up a couple more articles, and some good new is that I FOUND MY DAMN CAMERA IN MY CLOSET so yeah here comes some pics!!!!

Get ready for some bad ass articles...

Here's the line up:

1. Technique
2. Cloning
3. Lighting
4. Proper Harvest
5. I don't know why don't you post something and tell me what you F$%^ing want!!! :)
6. Same as 5

Yup so hurry up and post you bastards, you do it like this:

Look at the bottom of this article and there will be a thing down there that says '0 comments' and you just click on it and boom start postin'. It's free, you don't have to sign up, NOTHING!!! Just post!!! and always

K33p T0k1N


Anonymous said...

hey dude can you explain to me how to get bud instead of seeds. i think it has to do with male and female plants but i don't know crap i'm new to this whole scene. thanks, also if yu could get some photos to explain that would be totally cool.

Anonymous said...

Hi, can you show me how to do SOG?

Anonymous said...

about how much water should you put per plant?