Sunday, December 14, 2008

Some Questions Answered Here:

Number One: From Anonymous: "how long before i should harvest using SCROG"

I don't understand you question, but I think you mean 1."I'm using the SCROG method right now, when should I harvest", or 2."When should I start using the SCROG method on my plant"...

Answer 1. If you are using the SCROG method and your just waiting to harvest, just harvest when you usually would (When the crystals are almost all amber).

Answer 2. If you just started a plant and are waiting for it to get big enough to use the SCROG method on it, just wait until it is about a foot tall.

Number Two: From Anonymous: "If u buy just a reg sack of weed can u grow plants from the seeds in it"

Answer 1. Of coarse you can. So if you get a sack of white widow and find a seed in it, your one lucky bastard XD!

Number Three: From Anonymous: "is miricle grow potting soil good"

Answer 1. Well, there's no strait forward answer. Some people have had good results with it, but on the other had some people have very bad result, so it's really up to you... I wouldn't use it though haha.

Number Four: From Anonymous: "if u cut off all the balls on ur male plants will they still fuck up ur female plants"

Answer 1. Most likely. It's only when the balls open is when the pollen is released, so I guess you can just remove them all VERY DAMN carefully. But on the other hand, why the hell would you want a guy plant? Cutting of a male's balls, what kind of person are you! Just playin'.

Dedicated to:
1. Anonymous
2. Anonymous
3. Anonymous
4. Anonymous

K33P t0K1N


Anonymous said...

thx man those were all from me

Anonymous said...

i had some other questions. i fucked up and put the comments on an old one. i think it was one were u asked for questions

Microelite7711 said...

Ya man, your welcome. I'll check your other post and probably make another article tomorrow.

k33p T0k1N